What's irritating --AGAIN!-- is Debian attitude of not feeding patches back upstream, specially when messing with such security sensitive packages, doing this would have effectively caught the bug and --albeit some deserved flame-- would have void the current situation.
By this arrogant attitude, they break the very power of FLOSS: collaboration, cross-fertilization, moooore eyes on your source.
Another thing to note: let's push against monocultures, that is: the more different distros and FLOSS OSes ... the better!
And now: something [not] completely different ...

img source: kriptopolis.org
There was indeed some sort of discussion about this on openssl-dev:
discussion != [PATCH]
ie: it's not "official" code intended to be merged.
Also in that post, there is never exposed the intention to change a MAJOR distribution's package, neither he's using @debian.org.
Maybe good intentions in theory, but crappy in practice (as usual w/security affairs when taken lightly).
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